REVUP Your Income

Monday 9 March 2015

How To Use Video Marketing For Your Business

No matter what business you are in, it helps to be able to have direct contact with your customers. Video marketing is an excellent way to get the word out about your business, and speak one-on-one with potential customers. This article will provide you with some very useful tips on how to use video marketing for your business. 

Do not assume that video marketing has to be about making viral videos. Viral videos are a great marketing tool among certain audiences but keep in mind that your niche might not be likely to watch and share viral videos. Besides, not all viral videos convey a positive image of the brand they promote.
You want to make sure that you put out videos regularly. Once people have seen your video and are familiar with it they will more than likely stop watching it. Posting new material will keep your viewers coming back to see what kinds of new things you are promoting.


Place a screen capture of your company’s website in your videos. This will allow viewers to see how your website is set up. Also use screenshots when creating how-to videos. Simply figure out how to save your screenshots and splice them into the videos using your editing software.
When you create a video for marketing purposes, your viewer has to believe you. Anything faked within the video, be it, your backdrop or your demeanor, will throw them off. If you want them to believe what you’re trying to tell them, be honest, transparent and come off as warm and friendly.
Provide quality content. When putting together a video to market your business, make your video interesting, fun and innovative. Uploading your videos to YouTube will lead to increases in traffic, but only if the videos are worthwhile. People want to be entertained with the information they receive. If you have interesting videos you will get more viewers.


Find the right person for the video. Perhaps you are not as comfortable in front of the camera as you need to be. Speak to your employees, or perhaps your friends, to find someone who can be an effective cheerleader for your company. This will enhance the promotion of the product and get more people to view.
Have a ground game for your video marketing promotion. Thinking you will strike gold with the next viral video is like using lottery tickets as a retirement plan. It works well for those that win, but most lose and lose big. Produce content steadily and market each video assertively. If you have a viral video in there, it will show up on its own.
Try including other people into your videos. Often, these people can really help in the promotion of your business. Give a shout-out or interview different people. After all, everyone loves to be recognized in some way. However, when doing this, never attempt to force them to share your videos. Instead, just mention them and thank them for being in your videos.

Social Media

Ask your customers to create their own videos. You could for instance organize a contest and ask customers to film themselves while they use your products. Reward the best videos with an interesting prize and use the submitted videos as promotional material for your social media marketing campaign and for your website. 

To supercharge your video marketing efforts consider running a video marketing campaign. With a video marketing campaign, you will offer daily videos that will be shared on your website as well as on video sites such as YouTube. Do not forget to share your videos with your customers using email and social media.
Think about creating a viral video. Viral videos are videos that are shared on social media websites and explode in popularity. Be careful, though. Some people on the Internet can see right through a viral video attempt, and it can end up as a failure. Be creative and make a video that people will actually want to watch. Humor is always a plus.
Looking directly into the camera and talking about your business can be a very beneficial means of communication for your bottom line. When people can see and hear what you are about directly, they are more apt to find out more. Get your camera rolling and begin your video marketing campaign today!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Great Suggestions To Propel Your Social Media Marketing Forward

In these modern times, marketing via social media is growing very fast! Although traditional Internet marketing methods can still be successful, marketing with social media is many times necessary in order to prevent the decline of traffic statistics. If you are unsure about a starting point use these great suggestions to propel your social media marketing forward. 


Sign up for Twitter. Get as many followers as you can by signing up for blogging sites like Using a site like this makes it easier for people to find you on Twitter. Tweet regularly about other bloggers. You should also automate your tweets so they aren’t forgotten about by your followers.
Make sure your blog postings appear as part of your LinkedIn page by using its blog feed function. When you post articles, they will show as being updated on Linkedin. This will allow you to save time and get you tons of exposure by tapping into your LinkedIn acquaintances and the blogging community.
Blogging is a great example of social media marketing. Make sure that you take advantage of owning a blog to market your products and services to consumers. Post regularly on your blog so you can get exciting information out to the world, but also to remind people that you exist and so does your blog. People tend to forget about blogs that are not often updated as they lose interest and move on.
If you have a blog for your online business, write new articles on a regular basis. It is easier to post frequently if you do so on a set schedule. If you can establish a reputation as a provider of fresh, relevant content, the audience will be more likely to revisit your blog or profile. Schedule the entries into your calender or other planner so your blog stays updated. 


Make sure Twitter is included in your Facebook menu. Facebook’s settings on your fan page sets this up as a standard settings, so it does not take much effort on your part. Plus, it gives your followers yet another way to stay connected to your website or blog. The more options you give for customers to stay connected, the more involved they are likely to be in visiting your site and sharing the link with others.
Share things only when they are worthy of sharing, and the information is engaging. There’s no reason to share something, just to make a post. Make sure you’re excited or interested in what you’re writing about so that your readers will be too. Make it something that people want to hear about. Keep away from silly surveys or quizzes; they have little to no value for your consumers.
You can increase the reach of your marketing by linking your social media site with LinkedIn. In order to get real results with minimal effort, all you need to do is fix a button to your blog allowing LinkedIn users to share it. When your readers share you with their friends, even more attention comes your way. LinkedIn has roughly 100 million users, so this can be an excellent way to increase your Internet presence.


Have a plan in place before you start a social media campaign. Make sure you plan out who is going to manage your pages, what specific layout you desire, and how much of your time you’re willing to invest. As with any campaign in marketing, set a rough date by which you hope to achieve your specific results. Stick to your plan as firmly as you can, and you will find success in social media marketing.

To help a new business get accustomed to social media marketing, you should start out small. Starting out small will give you the opportunity to target the customers that are looking to purchase the products you sell. You don’t want to promote your site in too many places at first because you need to know what works and what does not.

Avoid the hard sell of your products when developing a following on your social networking website. Instead, provide valuable content articles or links to other high-quality sites that provide useful information for your product area. Hold giveaways, share photos, and ask your followers for feedback. Engage your readers in order to encourage their voices to enter into your conversation about your business. Engage them with your product as opposed to using sales pitches repeatedly. People should be able to identify with your brand and consider it as a part of their daily lives.
You see, it isn’t hard to use social media marketing. Many people find that it can bring more results than traditional advertising does, and customers found through social media efforts are often excited about interacting with you. Through proper implementation using the advice provided, you can be more successful with the use of social media.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Simple Tips About Leadership That Work

Simple Tips About Leadership That Work
We all know that open communication, trust and respect are important aspects of being a strong business leader. However, how many of us really know how to accomplish these and other vital leadership goals? Keep reading to find some simple tips about leadership that work.


Understand the business you are in. Unfortunately there are many leaders out there who don’t get their business totally. Whether that’s because they inherited the business or they just no longer care, it doesn't matter. It reads the same to employees. How can you lead if others don’t trust that you have the knowledge to do so? Follow the some simple tips about leadership that work, and the trust will come.
Don’t just fly by the seat of your pants. Instead, pick up a book and read. Don’t just read books about business leadership, either. You may find useful bits of knowledge that can be applied to your role as business leader in many different types of books, even those that tell fictional stories!
Real leaders are willing to learn. Many great leadership skills don’t just occur from a sudden flash of insight or a great epiphany. Great ideas can come to anybody, but good leaders study. Try reading some books on how to be a good leader, going to seminars, and talking to colleagues to see what works best for them. It can take a long time, but the more knowledge you have about proper leadership skills, the better yours can become.


Any effective leader should have integrity. This means you are always honest, even when you know no one is around. Without integrity, people will not trust you. Leading with integrity generates trust, loyalty and respect in your underlings.
An effective leader is one who speaks and acts with authenticity. Authenticity goes beyond truthfulness. To act with authenticity is to lead with both your heart and your head. Not only do you state the truth, but you also act in accordance with the words you’ve spoken. This demonstrates integrity and dedication to ethical, effective leadership.
A true business leader is not necessarily a born leader, but is a person who develops the qualities of integrity, commitment and positivity. Leadership involves these and other skills that can be learned through training and practice. A good leader will take advantage of leadership workshops and training to develop the skills he needs.
Lead with integrity. Having integrity means you never stray from your core set of values. This includes treating everyone the same, always being honest with others and following the rules of the company. Great leaders always have a lot of integrity. Your team is there to follow your example, so you should lead them with integrity at all times.


Good leaders know how to harvest potential in other people. Take some simple tips about leadership that work to support other people. You can do this by discovering both strength and weakness,as well as work styles, and dreams. Try encouraging them to take on new possibilities and relish challenges. Every person has the ability to increase the success of the company.
Delegate responsibilities whenever possible. Showing trust in your employees gives them confidence in their own abilities. It will also inspire confidence in your ability to lead. Micromanaging your employees is exhausting for your and demotivating to your employees. Offer support and help them deal with any problems that may come up by giving them some simple tips about leadership that work.
Establish clear communication channels. Your team should always be fully informed of every aspect of the project, including any deadlines that need to be met. Having good communication with your team will help establish your credibility as a leader and gaining their support. Your team should also feel free to contact you with questions or constructive feedback.


Live the vision of your team. Use it as a compass to guide your way through work. Make sure every employee realizes how important they are in helping the company reach its goals. It helps build relationships and provides direction.

Communicate openly with your team. You must find your own voice. You also need to learn how to express it and how to trust it. When you have ideas and information, you must learn how to share them. Stay accessible and be willing to listen. Integrate your thinking into the whole. Be aware of how your style and presence affect other people.
In order to be a great leader, you must be able to communicate your vision to your team. Explain clearly what the common goal is, and instill a vision of success in the group. Getting everyone working together on something they all believe in cements your leadership role in the group.
Now that you understand some of the things that are necessary in becoming an effective leader, you can go into work with more confidence. Remember some simple tips about leadership that work when you are dealing with your employees, customers and clients. Keep learning new leadership skills to become the best leader you can be.

Friday 6 March 2015

Ivan Mircic: Network Marketing Concepts To Take Your Business T...

Ivan Mircic: Network Marketing Concepts To Take Your Business T...: Network Marketing Concepts To Take Your Business To New Heights You want your business to be a success! You need to expand your business...

Network Marketing Concepts To Take Your Business To New Heights

You want your business to be a success! You need to expand your business. Try network marketing! In many ways, you have to “learn as you go.” However, you are not alone, use these network marketing concepts to take your business to new heights.
When you are involved in network marketing, it can be very easy to lose track of time by maintaining your network instead of expanding it. You can find yourself checking e-mails, logging on Facebook, and other activities that can be considered work but do not necessarily improve your income. Be aware of this and make sure that you dedicate at least a few hours each day strictly to expanding your network or finding customers.


Invest in a good haircut to make yourself look more presentable. Furthermore, make sure your clothes give off a look of respectability. The truth is that brand names, and logos make you look like you have the money to back up your claims, so invest in a few really good pieces for your wardrobe to help promote your image.

You will be judged the second someone lays eyes on you, so it’s important to give off an image of having money. You are selling people on the fact that you’re going to help them make a profit, so you need to appear to be making one yourself. I recommend having a nice car when you are driving to meet someone, so either borrow one or get a rental to promote your image. Soon enough you’ll be able to afford to buy your own!
If you are struggling with network marketing, make use of the internet. There are many forums and discussion boards focused on network marketing success, and the people there are happy to help. Don’t join these communities with the intent of using those people to promote your product, however. Everyone there has their own product to sell, and they won’t appreciate it.


Communicate with your network. This helps build trust in you and in the company. Don’t be one of those network marketers that only talks to others in their upline and downline when you need something. Express to your downline that you are open for questions and let others above you know that you are interested in learning more.
Be honest. Some people have a very negative view of network marketing, and while you cannot be responsible for anyone else, make sure that you always communicate and behave honestly in your business dealings. This will make people feel comfortable with you, trust you and make them want to work with you.
Invite your down line to engage in conversation and activity. Do they shy away from people? Is there a problem they’re afraid to talk about? Try to encourage them to seek you out with any concerns or questions they may have, and to interact with others from the network on a regular basis. A team that is focused on total participation is the best, which is what you want yours to be.


network marketing concepts to take your business to new heights.
Keep your positive attitude high when starting out in network marketing. It is much harder to stay positive than it is to be negative, however, it is important to your success. If you are getting stressed out, imagine the revenue that you will be generating when you are a success. Believe it or not, you will get through these early days. 

Strive to maintain a positive attitude to achieve success in network marketing. While the rewards can be great, the rejection can sometimes be equally difficult. By maintaining a positive attitude, you will become a better marketer and drive your business much further.
Make sure you keep a positive attitude and focus. Many people are in network marketing, and many people enjoy it, but as with everything else, there are also many people who do not like it. Staying positive as you propel yourself through the business world is an essential tool to your success in network marketing.
Now are you ready to get started? Remember, you can also “learn from others.” After considering the above information, you are better equipped to expand your business through network marketing! Ready, set, go!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Advice For Becoming Great At Network Marketing

by Ivan Mircic

This is true of network marketing. You are the only person who determines the overall success of your network marketing campaign, so here is some advice for becoming great at network marketing.


Use your own experience in recommending your product. Use your earnings and income to show that it is possible to make money in the effort. Network marketing is about convincing people that this venture is worth their time and few things work as well as personal recommendations and proof.
Network marketing is a great opportunity, in part because you can network anywhere, so never forget this fact. You can use the internet to assist you or you can plan a get-together at the local Moose Lodge. Wherever you think you can attract people to your product, you can set up shop there.
Remember when working as a network marketer, that this is not a road to instant riches. It takes a lot of effort to make people believe in your product and of the potential it has to make them wealthy. Some folks are going to be slow to come around and you cannot push them into making hasty decisions.


You have to make a decision that your network marketing business will be built to be a success. Many people who start network marketing treat it as more of a hobby than a tried and true business and this inevitably leads to why people fail. It is a business and can make you a considerable income, do not treat it as anything different. 

Forums are an excellent way to gain leads! Put your website’s address in your signature as a clickable link using your keyword-rich anchor text (SEO never sleeps!) and post away. Make sure you’re not spamming the forum, instead add insightful information which people truly want to read. The more they enjoy your posts, the more likely they are to click your link.
When using promotional techniques to generate leads, focus on one technique at a time. Social media, blogs, video marketing, and article marketing are all great ways to build contacts, but if you try to do everything at once you’ll end up overwhelmed. Focus on a single aspect, make it successful, then move on to another.


Always make sure the prospect is relaxed and comfortable with you before trying to promote your product. Being a good listener and showing the person that you care about their feelings and thoughts goes a long way towards building trust. Be sincere in your want to hear from them because people can tell when someone is faking them out.
Invest in a good haircut to make yourself look more presentable. Furthermore, make sure your clothes give off a look of respectability. The truth is that brand names, and logos make you look like you have the money to back up your claims, so invest in a few really good pieces for your wardrobe to help promote your image.
If you are struggling with network marketing, make use of the internet. There are many forums and discussion boards focused on network marketing success, and the people there are happy to help. Don’t join these communities with the intent of using those people to promote your product, however. Everyone there has their own product to sell, and they won’t appreciate it.


Avoid biting off more than you can chew with multiple income streams. Having multiple projects going that can build income is a vital key to true success but it’s not something you should start trying to do right out of the gate. Make one income stream a rousing success before you start building a new one.
Find ways to connect with the people you are trying to recruit into your network. If they feel that you are simply looking to build your own business, they are not going to be interested in the opportunity. However, if you show them that you care about making them money by proving to them that it will work for them personally, they are much more likely to say yes to your proposals. 

Always remember to posture yourself correctly in conversations and business dealings. You are the expert and savvy business owner. In your network marketing business do not come off as weak to your prospects, instead present yourself as knowledgeable, confidant, and an expert at what you are doing even if you don’t. This helps build trust in not only your business, but you.
Saying that we’re all alone in this world sounds bleak, but that is pretty much the truth when it comes to being self-employed. You can have support, but you’re the one deciding the fate of your venture. To assist you in succeeding, be sure to use the tips you have read in this article and apply them where necessary.

Sunday 1 March 2015

A Team Build That Works

Over the last 10 years I have been in team builds that both work, and do not work. The differences are not that dramatic, it only takes one or two things to stop a build in its tracks.

Failed Team Builds

After experiencing some of these problems, being an active participant, and by talking with others who have either led, or been a loyal follower, it is amazing how little it took for the business build to fail.

Simple things that were not addressed, such as, COMMUNICATION, FOCUS, and ORGANIZATION, caused the team to fragment and die, leaving people with no direction as to what to do to make the business successful. 

Other problems, such as leaders constantly putting themselves first; having a condescending attitude to people in the team, who were not experienced, so asked what some would say to be "DUMB" questions; and allowing people to be distracted by letting team members advertise any number of "GET RICH QUICK" schemes in a chat or forum that was supposed to be designed to help people understand the business they were trying to build in the first place, led to the "TEAM" falling into limbo.

Successful Team Builds

So it may be obvious to you what this section is about. Yes, the total opposite to the above train wreck. I want to explain though why KEY FACTORS like communication and organization make all the difference, and I want to do it using the current team I am in, and Privileged to be a leader of.

I know what you are thinking, oh dear, this is just another sales pitch. Being a man who upholds integrity in life, and in business i'm here to tell you that yes it is, but only partially. I not only want to tell you about our team, and the businesses we do together, but why it is working, and as you can tell from my other blogs, I love helping people succeed whether they are working with me, or are in another business venture.    


One key factor that many only partially have is ORGANIZATION. The ability to run a build in a way that runs smoothly, and the team as a whole benefits, seems to elude many teams. We have accomplished this by allocating certain jobs to the administration team within our group. This entails the running of spreadsheets to keep track of members, new and current, allocating business links in a way that the business grows evenly and is fair to all. 

Having advertisements created to help the team work together so the inexperienced can begin getting involved without feeling lost. The key to this is to have just one link in the advertisement, the link goes to a web page which gives the option of joining the team in the business. They join by adding themselves to a spreadsheet built by the leaders. In this way the build can be kept balanced so everyone has the same amount of people allocated to them. This is key as the experienced marketers help the members new to marketing so they are not left to fend for themselves, and in most cases fail at building a business in a profitable fashion.

Mentoring is always needed for both the inexperienced and the veterans to network marketing. There is always something new to learn. From the obvious, which is teaching each member how the business works so they have a full understanding when they talk to others, to less obvious, but just as important lessons such as marketing with HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Teaching people that "HYPE" really means LYING. Having them understand that when you speak to someone you should be EXCITED because the opportunity speaks for itself with nothing to hide and you are a part of it. There is no need for SMOKE and MIRRORS. If you can't have someone join you based on facts so you must EMBELLISH to snare them, then all you are doing is creating mistrust, and losing them when they learn the truth. This will give you a bad reputation, not only for you, but also for the team and the business.


Seems simple enough, but you would be surprised how many teams and leaders get it wrong. If you talk down to people because you THINK you are better than them, then you are on the path to destruction. Here is a news flash, EVERYONE IS AS GOOD AS EACH OTHER, big shock huh? Just because you may be an "expert" in a certain areas doesn't make you king of the hill. You will find that the very people you think are lesser than you know many things, and your failure to appreciate and learn from that fact will bring you down.

In our team we talk to, and with, all our members. Their opinion is not only important, it's ESSENTIAL to the success of the group. Even the inexperienced, first time marketer will be able to tell you things you have overlooked which often is CRUCIAL to everything running smoothly.

Keep things relaxed and friendly, instructions are often given in how to proceed with the business venture, but you don't have to bark orders at your members. RESPECT is important if you want the team to succeed, and that can only happen if you respect them first. You want people wanting to come into a chat or forum because they have a good time and a laugh. Members will be receptive, and more importantly, EAGER to assist in the teams success.

Keep members up to date on the business, GOOD, and Bad. They need to know everything. Withholding information leads to distrust and failure. They have as much right to know all the facts as you do, this is THEIR business too, and it is just as important to them as it is to you.


It is very easy to get distracted while you are building the foundations of a team and the building of the business. There are so many "GET RICH" schemes out there where apparently a single dollar can make you a million overnight. Believe in your business and your team, you have to WANT to succeed. Any business, whether Online, or Traditional will not succeed without dedication and focus. You cannot open a coffee shop and start to get customers in and then just jump to a pizza parlor expecting the coffee shop to just run itself.

Keep it interesting. With our team the leader is running a competition for members to see who can get the most people to join. This keeps people motivated and they have fun at the same time. Of course 1st prize being $2500 adds a certain flavor to it all. Other things you can do is have your members create advertisements for the team. This gets the creative juices going as well, and many surprise themselves at how much fun they can have while building their fortune.

I hope this information has helped you to understand that it doesn't take much to be successful, especially if you surround yourself with the right people. I would like to invite any and all to our team, and the businesses we are doing, knowing from the above information how we operate, and in my opinion, SUCCESSFULLY. I wish all of you success in anything you undertake, and would love your feedback on my blog.

Please take the time to watch the above video to see what it is we are doing, and why our team is so excited about it. For more information go to our page at

Improve Your Leadership Skills By Using These Ideas

It can be difficult to develop strong leadership skills if you have never worked under an effective leader. If you really want to learn what good leadership means, it is best to throw yourself into learning the subject as much as you can. This article is intended to improve your leadership skills by using these ideas.

When you are leading, focus on those involved and work will be completed almost effortlessly. Inspire and encourage your workers. Don’t micromanage; spend your efforts on motivation, instead.

Leaders aren’t afraid to ask questions. If they don’t know something, they ask. Follow their example and don’t try to pretend that you know everything. It will reflect badly on you when the truth comes out. Gather all the relevant information so that can you make an accurate decision.


Always remember that a great leader builds up and does not need to tear down. Do not be overly critical of those on your team. Be quick to give commendation, praise and recognition. Even when people fail, commend the effort and inspire them to get up and try again to succeed.
Leaders don’t do all the work by micromanaging. They inspire and train others to make decisions with confidence. If you are always nitpicking on things and doing it yourself, then you’re sending a signal to your employees that you really don’t want their help. That’s not leadership at all. Take a step back and figure out how you can inspire your employees to make the right decisions.
Talk to other leaders. This can be a great way to get feedback on ideas and to figure out how best to address concerns and problems. This will also give you time to observe other leadership styles and techniques. You may find something useful, or you might inspire someone else.


Make sure to engage people as a leader. You must learn how to motivate, involve, and excite others. Inspire them to engage their passions, strengths, skills, and creativity in the tasks at hand. Do what you can to acknowledge and appreciate each person’s contributions and efforts. You should make them all feel like they did something to move the project forward.
Communicate openly with your team. You must find your own voice. You also need to learn how to express it and how to trust it. When you have ideas and information, you must learn how to share them. Stay accessible and be willing to listen. Integrate your thinking into the whole. Be aware of how your style and presence affect other people.
Learn to take responsibility for things, even those that are not your fault. A great leader understands that when the team fails, everyone fails. Instead of placing blame on individual members of the team, a great leader will know that something about the way he leads the team may be the reason for the failure.


improve your leadership skills by using these ideas
Do what you can to keep things simple while you’re a leader. Concentrate on the truly important things first. When you know what the big picture is, you can focus on the details. Make the work simple when possible. Build in time to think, for yourself as well as others.

One of the most important aspects of any leader is the ability to create a sense of trust among their employees. Employees who trust their supervisor are willing to do more to help the company succeed than those who do not trust their supervisors. Always be truthful when dealing with employees.
As a leader, you need to create a harmonic atmosphere. Nobody wants to work in a place that is full of negativity. You must work to discover the possibilities in every situation and try to enjoy yourself every day. Remain positive and help others remain positive. Know that you can create something wonderful with your team.
In order for a business to be successful, it needs a good leader. But, without a sufficient understanding of the principles of good leadership, you may have previously felt incapable of reaching such heights. Hopefully, this article has shattered your ceiling of personal potential.