REVUP Your Income

Sunday 1 March 2015

A Team Build That Works

Over the last 10 years I have been in team builds that both work, and do not work. The differences are not that dramatic, it only takes one or two things to stop a build in its tracks.

Failed Team Builds

After experiencing some of these problems, being an active participant, and by talking with others who have either led, or been a loyal follower, it is amazing how little it took for the business build to fail.

Simple things that were not addressed, such as, COMMUNICATION, FOCUS, and ORGANIZATION, caused the team to fragment and die, leaving people with no direction as to what to do to make the business successful. 

Other problems, such as leaders constantly putting themselves first; having a condescending attitude to people in the team, who were not experienced, so asked what some would say to be "DUMB" questions; and allowing people to be distracted by letting team members advertise any number of "GET RICH QUICK" schemes in a chat or forum that was supposed to be designed to help people understand the business they were trying to build in the first place, led to the "TEAM" falling into limbo.

Successful Team Builds

So it may be obvious to you what this section is about. Yes, the total opposite to the above train wreck. I want to explain though why KEY FACTORS like communication and organization make all the difference, and I want to do it using the current team I am in, and Privileged to be a leader of.

I know what you are thinking, oh dear, this is just another sales pitch. Being a man who upholds integrity in life, and in business i'm here to tell you that yes it is, but only partially. I not only want to tell you about our team, and the businesses we do together, but why it is working, and as you can tell from my other blogs, I love helping people succeed whether they are working with me, or are in another business venture.    


One key factor that many only partially have is ORGANIZATION. The ability to run a build in a way that runs smoothly, and the team as a whole benefits, seems to elude many teams. We have accomplished this by allocating certain jobs to the administration team within our group. This entails the running of spreadsheets to keep track of members, new and current, allocating business links in a way that the business grows evenly and is fair to all. 

Having advertisements created to help the team work together so the inexperienced can begin getting involved without feeling lost. The key to this is to have just one link in the advertisement, the link goes to a web page which gives the option of joining the team in the business. They join by adding themselves to a spreadsheet built by the leaders. In this way the build can be kept balanced so everyone has the same amount of people allocated to them. This is key as the experienced marketers help the members new to marketing so they are not left to fend for themselves, and in most cases fail at building a business in a profitable fashion.

Mentoring is always needed for both the inexperienced and the veterans to network marketing. There is always something new to learn. From the obvious, which is teaching each member how the business works so they have a full understanding when they talk to others, to less obvious, but just as important lessons such as marketing with HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Teaching people that "HYPE" really means LYING. Having them understand that when you speak to someone you should be EXCITED because the opportunity speaks for itself with nothing to hide and you are a part of it. There is no need for SMOKE and MIRRORS. If you can't have someone join you based on facts so you must EMBELLISH to snare them, then all you are doing is creating mistrust, and losing them when they learn the truth. This will give you a bad reputation, not only for you, but also for the team and the business.


Seems simple enough, but you would be surprised how many teams and leaders get it wrong. If you talk down to people because you THINK you are better than them, then you are on the path to destruction. Here is a news flash, EVERYONE IS AS GOOD AS EACH OTHER, big shock huh? Just because you may be an "expert" in a certain areas doesn't make you king of the hill. You will find that the very people you think are lesser than you know many things, and your failure to appreciate and learn from that fact will bring you down.

In our team we talk to, and with, all our members. Their opinion is not only important, it's ESSENTIAL to the success of the group. Even the inexperienced, first time marketer will be able to tell you things you have overlooked which often is CRUCIAL to everything running smoothly.

Keep things relaxed and friendly, instructions are often given in how to proceed with the business venture, but you don't have to bark orders at your members. RESPECT is important if you want the team to succeed, and that can only happen if you respect them first. You want people wanting to come into a chat or forum because they have a good time and a laugh. Members will be receptive, and more importantly, EAGER to assist in the teams success.

Keep members up to date on the business, GOOD, and Bad. They need to know everything. Withholding information leads to distrust and failure. They have as much right to know all the facts as you do, this is THEIR business too, and it is just as important to them as it is to you.


It is very easy to get distracted while you are building the foundations of a team and the building of the business. There are so many "GET RICH" schemes out there where apparently a single dollar can make you a million overnight. Believe in your business and your team, you have to WANT to succeed. Any business, whether Online, or Traditional will not succeed without dedication and focus. You cannot open a coffee shop and start to get customers in and then just jump to a pizza parlor expecting the coffee shop to just run itself.

Keep it interesting. With our team the leader is running a competition for members to see who can get the most people to join. This keeps people motivated and they have fun at the same time. Of course 1st prize being $2500 adds a certain flavor to it all. Other things you can do is have your members create advertisements for the team. This gets the creative juices going as well, and many surprise themselves at how much fun they can have while building their fortune.

I hope this information has helped you to understand that it doesn't take much to be successful, especially if you surround yourself with the right people. I would like to invite any and all to our team, and the businesses we are doing, knowing from the above information how we operate, and in my opinion, SUCCESSFULLY. I wish all of you success in anything you undertake, and would love your feedback on my blog.

Please take the time to watch the above video to see what it is we are doing, and why our team is so excited about it. For more information go to our page at

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